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New Registrations Opening in March
Welcome to:

Brainspotting Mondays with Martha
~Newly developed workshops for trained Brainspotting practitioners
to advance their knowledge of Brainspotting theory and its application in practice~
WHAT: 60 - 90 minute "stand-alone" ONLINE Specialty Workshops, having highly focused topics in Brainspotting, within one or more of the following frames:
Foundations of Brainspotting​ (for all BSP Practitioners)​
​Advanced Brainspotting Theory & Applications in Practice (for Certified & Certification eligible Brainspotting practitioners)
Topics in Brainspotting Consultation (for Approved BSP Consultants & CITs)
Topics in Brainspotting and Spirituality, Religion, & Contemplative Practice (for all BSP practitioners; topics to be drawn from & expanding on my foundational specialty training)
​​Class size: limited to 20 participants for each class
Each class will have:
didactic presentation
extensive open Q/A time
an experiential exercise
Each class is designed:
​​​​​​​​​​​​to give the depth of an Intensive Brainspotting Training, in single-session focus​​
to foster a collaborative learning environment
with timing to fit your calendar
with fees to fit your budget
WHEN: "Pop-up" classes, usually once or twice per month
"Special Edition" of MWM ~ For Approved Brainspotting Consultants​
FRAME: Topics in Brainspotting Consultation
FOCUS: The New Consultant's Report (2024 revision)​
Part 1 -- "Keeping Up with the Changes!"​
Spring 2025 dates coming soon!
The Neuroexperiential Model & the Uncertainty Prinicple in the Brainspotting Consultation Process
Brainspotting as a Developmental Model
Neuro-essentials for Certification
Introduction to the Consultation Process Frame
The Consultation Process Frame, in Depth
"Whole-Brain" Consultation
The Interplay of Didactic & Experiential Process
Session Deconstruction in Brainspotting Consultation - demo & practicum
Open Q/A re Brainspotting Consultation
Dates coming soon!
​​Part 2 - "Integrating the Changes with Confidence & Clarity!"
Registration will open in March for both Part 1 and Part 2
Additional workshops & dates in 2025 will be announced as soon as possible
~variable times~
​​​​​​​​​​Upcoming topics will be announced on this website, in major/relevant Facebook groups for Brainspotting Practitioners, via Martha's email list, and on the main Brainspotting website, under the "Trainings" tab - filter for "specialty workshops"
$ 75 USD, for 60 minute classes
$ 100 USD, for 90 minute classes
$ 150 USD, for "Special Edition" 2 hour classes
Reduced Tuition Support is available, but must be pre-approved prior to reigstration
~please email Martha directly about your situation at​​​​